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Taiwan Red Cross Has Launched 30 Million NTD Appeal to Support Philippine Typhoon Haiyan Relief operation.

上週海燕颱風(Typhoon Haiyan)重創菲律賓中部,造成萬人死傷,經濟損失難以估計。針對菲律賓災民家園盡毀、衣食無著,紅十字會王清峰會長強調:紅十字會一向秉持「救人第一,人道優先」,為響應紅十字會與紅新月會國際聯合會(IFRC)號召,本會自即日(14日)起,發起為期3個月的「菲律賓海燕颱風」賑災募捐,募款目標新台幣3千萬元,所有款項本會將與國際社會同步援助菲律賓受災民眾。

聯合國表示菲律賓共有1千1百萬人受到海燕颱風影響,67萬3千人流離失所。BBC則報導,菲律賓中部海燕颱風重災區的民眾對食物、水以及藥物的救援越來越絕望,重災區萊伊特島(Leyte)議員羅穆阿戴茲(Martin Romualdez)表示,災區救援十分急迫。目前美國國務院所屬的國際開發署(USAID)宣布提供2000萬美元緊急救助,並派遣航空母艦「喬治華盛頓號」前往進行人道救助。英國、日本、澳大利亞、加拿大、韓國、印尼分別宣布援助菲律賓200萬至1600萬美元不等的援助。台灣提供20萬美元與100公噸救助物資,中國大陸捐助10萬美元金額。



 Typhoon Haiyan struck the central Philippines last week, causing serious damages and thousands of causalities. Starting from 14th November, Taiwan Red Cross has launched a 30 million NTD appeal to support Philippine typhoon relief operation, in the period of three months. Taiwan Red Cross will cooperate with the  International Federation of Red Cross and  Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and Philippine Red Cross and use the donations to help the affected people.

Taiwan Red Cross had already donated 30 thousands USD to IFRC to support emergency disaster relief. Taiwan Red Cross also cooperated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on transporting relief goods, 300 tents, 3000 blankets, 8400 packs of dried foods to the affected area. However, there is still a desperate need for water, food and emergency shelter. With your donation, we would be able to do more to rebuild their lives.  


一、 郵政劃撥帳號:1597-8888  戶名:中華民國紅十字會總會

二、 銀行匯款:華南銀行和平分行121-20-0702223

Donation Information

Postal donation number: 1597-8888

Account name:The Red Cross Society of the Republic of China


Bank donation number: 121-20-0702223

Bank information: Hua Nan Bank Ho Ping Branch

Account name:The Red Cross Society of the Republic of China